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[业界] 稻叶敦志:别把日本的工作室一竿子打死,西方开发者里面也有很多极烂的

发表于 2012-9-27 10:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

This makes me so very happy. I’m sick of people saying that Japanese games are dying and they’re outdated and not as good as Mass Effect and Assassin’s Creed. Bayonetta/Wonderful 101 developer Platinum Games has chimed in on the matter:
“There are tons of terrible Western developers [too]. I don’t like it when people lump Japanese games developers all together into one group. Frankly, I think it’s a joke. What do these people know?” – Platinum Games’ Atsushi Inaba
I could not agree more, and I’d even make the argument that Japanese games are more original and innovative than western games on the whole. Of course, that matter is left up to subjectivity.
Inaba-san continued:
“Think about Western developers. There are many Western developers making terrible games, and then you see one like Infinity Ward making a game that sells 20 million and everyone goes, ‘hey, Western developers are amazing!’. There are tons of terrible Western developers, just like there are tons of terrible Japanese developers. To lump studios together in great masses misses the point.”

《猎天使魔女》/《Wonderful 101》开发者白金游戏在这件事上说:
“也有大量的极烂的西方的开发者。我不喜欢人们把日本游戏的开发者归为一类。坦率的说,这就是个笑话。这帮人又懂什么?”——白金游戏  稻叶敦志
我不能同意的再多,我经常辩护道日本游戏 比全体的西方游戏更有原创性和革新性。当然,这是我的主观看法。
“想想西方的开发者吧。很多的西方开发者做了极烂的游戏,然后你看到一个像是Infinity Ward 工作室这样的做了一个卖了2000w的游戏,然后所有的的人都说,‘嘿,西方的开发人真牛!’有一大堆的糟糕的西方开发者,就像是有一大堆的日本开发者一样,把工作室归为一类,这种行为没有抓住本质”
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