楼主: Toyger

[EN] 中国惯用语、俗语英译

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-17 23:54 | 显示全部楼层

踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫:You wear out iron shoes in hunting when all the time it's easy to be found.
抬杠:argue for the sake of arguing
太过分:go too far
态度坚决:take a tough stand
特异功能:psychic power
提倡节约,反对浪费:call for economy and guard against waste
提高对外开放水平:open up wider to the outside world
提高生活水平:improve the living standards
体察民情:closely observe how things are going with the people
天时、地利、人和:opportunities of time,favorable geographical location and popular support
天无绝人之路:Heaven never cuts off a man's means.
天下为公:All are equal under the heaven./The whole world is one community./Everything is for the public weal.
天灾人祸:natural disasters and human foe
条块结合:integration of departments and regjions at different levels
天下无不散的宴席:All good things must come to an end.
跳槽:job hopping
铁饭碗:permanent employment
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-17 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
听其自然:let things slide
听天由命:bow to the will of God/follow your own star
停薪留职:on leave with no pay
通融:accommaodation / make an exception
同甘共苦:share weal and woe
同是天下沦落人,相逢何必曾相识:Both of us in misfortune go from shore to shore,meeting now,need we have known each other before?
同乡会:association of fellow townsmen
同舟共济:in the same boat
捅娄子:be in a jam
头痛医头,脚痛医脚:deal with piecemeal with no attempt to correct the root
头头是道:clear and straightforward / closely reasoned and well argued / do things in good order
团年饭:family reunion dinner on lunar New Year's Eve
脱贫:cast off poverty
脱贫致富:emerge from poverty and get rich
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-17 23:56 | 显示全部楼层

歪打正着:score a lucky hit
外粗内秀的人:a rough diamond
外快:side money
外引内联:secure investment from overseas and enter into partnership with order companies at home
完善制度:improve a system
玩命儿做事:do something like hell
万金油:Jack of all trades.
万事俱备,只欠东风:All is ready except for what is crucial.
网虫:netter / Internet geek
网恋:online love affairs
网民:netizen / cyber citizen
网上冲浪:surf the Internet
望子成龙:hope one's children will have a brilliant future
威武之师,文明之师:mighty and civilized forces
为人师表:role model / be worthy of the name teacher
温饱问题:basic needs for living / subsistence
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-17 23:57 | 显示全部楼层
文明之约:civic virtues pledge
文明国家:culturally advanced country
文明街道:model community
文明礼帽月:Civic Virtues Month
文明守则:codes of public conduct
稳定压倒一切:Maintaining stability is of top priority.
稳中求进,有效增长:strive for sustained and well-performing growth
问心无愧:have a good conscience / have done one's best
无稽之谈:fantastic talk/sheer nonsense/groundless statement
无可非议:irreproachable/ unquestionable
无名英雄:unsung(unknown) hero
无所作为:attempt nothing and accomplish nothing
无缘分:The two are just across the way.
物尽其用:make the best use of everything
物质生活:living standards
物质文明:high material standards / sound economic development
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-17 23:58 | 显示全部楼层

西部大开发:West China development
希望工程:Project Hope
希望小学:Hope Primary School
瞎指挥:boss somebody around / give confusing orders
下不了台:on the spot /unable to back down with a good grace
下海:plunge into the business sea / start a business
下岗分流:reposition of redundant hands
下游企业:down-stream enterprises
先锋模范作用:play a vanguard and exemplary role
先进工作者:role model employees
现身说法:advise somebody by citing one's own experience as an example
乡巴佬:a country hick
相辅相成:complement each other
相生相克:mutually reinforce and neutralize
想不开:take something to heart
想不通:not convinced/can't figure out why
消气:cool/calm one's anger
小道理服从大道理:The minor principle should be subordinated to the major one.
小而全:small and all-inclusive
小康:relative affluence/enjoy fairly comfortable life
小算盘:petty niggling
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-17 23:58 | 显示全部楼层
心理不平衡:feel disturbed
心里美:wholesome mentality
心情复杂:mixed feelings
心往一处想,劲往一处使:think with one mind and work with one heart
心有灵犀一点通:Hearts which have a common beat are linked.
心悦诚服:fully convinced
辛苦了:How was the fight?/You've been working very hard./Thank you for all the trouble you've taken.
新官上任三把火:A new broom sweeps clean.
新新人类:New Human Being / X Generation
新秀:up-and-coming star / rising star
形势逼人:The trend of events is pressing.
形势喜人:The trend of events is encouraging.
胸怀祖国,放眼世界:have national and global view in mind
虚报浮夸:false reports and exaggerate
宣传和舆论工作:public awareness work
喧宾夺主:steal the show
血汗钱:hard-earned money
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-31 23:33 | 显示全部楼层

雅俗共赏:Everyone can enjoy. / appeal to all
严打:Strike-Hard Operation,campaign to crack down on criminal activities
严肃处理:seriously investigate and correct
言而无信:go back on one's word / fair to keep faith
言而有信: true to one's word / keep one's word
眼中钉:a thorn in one's flesh / the most hated person
扬长避短:give play to one's strong points and avoid one's shortcomings
摇钱树:cash cow
咬文嚼字:chop logic / mince words
要面子:keen on face-saving
叶落归根:return to one's ancestral home at old age
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-31 23:34 | 显示全部楼层
一把手:first in command / boss
一边倒:lean to one side / enjoy overwhelming superiority
一不做,二不休:be in for a penny,in for a pound
一步到位:achieve a goal in one leap
一次性付款:lump-sum payment / pay in full
一刀切:take across-the-board apporach to...
一分钱一分货:One gets what one pays for.
一概而论:lump together / lump things under one head
一个巴掌拍不响:It takes two to make a quarrel.
一个鼻孔出气:sing the same tune
一国两制:one country, two system
一会生,两回熟:difficult the first time,easy the second / strangers first met, friends the second
一见如故:hit it off well right from the start
一块石头落地:One's mind is at last set at rest.
一揽子解决:package settlement
一诺值千金:A promise is a promise.
一切仅在不言中:All is understood,and no words are necessary.
一切向钱看:Put money above all else/ monry oriented
一手抓经济,一手抓民主法制:We attach equal importance to both economic development and democracy and legal system advancement.
一条龙服务:one-stop-shopping service / one package service
一碗水端平:an impartial approach
一言堂:What one says goes.
一言为定:It's a deal.
一要吃饭,二要建设:First,feed the people;and second,build the country.
一衣带水:seperated by a narrow strip of water
一支笔审批:one-chop approval
一专多能:specialized and versatile
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-31 23:35 | 显示全部楼层
依法行政:perform official duties according to law
以不变应万变:meet changes with constancy
以工养农:finance agriculture with revenue generated from industries
以进养出:use imports to serve the expansion of exports
以路养路:use tolls to repay loans for road construction and finance new road development 以人为本:people foremost / anthropocentric
以史为鉴,面向未来:keep in mind the past and look toward the future
以...为龙头:with ...as thepowehouse / take the lead in
以...为依托:with ...as the base
以...为重:take to heart
以质量求发展:strategy of growth through quality
义卖:charity sales
义演:benefit performance
阴盛阳衰:rise of yin and fall of yang / Women do better than men.
隐形就业:unregistered employment / veiled reemployment
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-31 23:36 | 显示全部楼层
英雄所见略同:Great minds think alike. / We see eye to eye.
英雄无用武之地:There's no scope for one's energies.
赢得市场:gain a large share of the market/ carve a niche in the market
硬道理:absolute priciple / top priority
硬环境:tangible infrastructure
拥军优属:support arm forces and give preferential treatment to famlies of servicemen and martyrs
拥政爱民:support the government and cherish the people
优生优育:promote good prenatal and postnatal care
优势互补:complement each other
忧患意识:awareness of unexpected development/be prepared for any eventualities
有百利而无一弊:have nothing to lose but everything to gain
有备无患:Preparedness averts peril.
有道理:You make a point there./ make sense/ be justified in doing/ well founded
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