楼主: Toyger

[EN] 中国惯用语、俗语英译

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-10 23:49 | 显示全部楼层

改革措施必须符合中国国情:Reform measures shall adapt to China's reality.
改革力度:intensity of reform
敢于碰硬:not be afraid to tackle any situation no metter who is involved
感到有点不妙:have a hunch that something is to pay
感情投资:make an effort to promote good relations/invest in better human relations
感情用事:carried away by one's emotions/allow one's feelings to affect one's judgment
赶时髦:go by what is trendy / follow the fashion
钢铁长城:powerful bulwark
岗位培训:on-job training
高精尖技术:state-of-the-art technology
搞不出名堂:unable to produce any meaningful results
搞定:That's settled.
搞活:invigorate / revitalize
搞小动作:get up to little tricks
各打五十大板:put the blame on the two parties equally
公费旅游:junket tour
公开选拔人才:competitive selection of competent people
功在当今,利在千秋:in the interest of the current and future generations
恭敬不如从命:The best way to show respect is obey.
恭喜发财:May you be prosperous! / Wish you all the best!
共叙旧谊:renew friendship
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-10 23:50 | 显示全部楼层
够朋友:worthy friend
鼓劲:boost morale
挂靠:under a temporary subsidiary / be subsudinate to
挂职:on secondment
关系户:one's back-scratcher
归口管理:subject to control by competent authorities
贵人出门招风雨:A dignitary can invite rain whenever he/she goes out.
贵族学校:exclusive school(US) / select school(UK)
国宝:national treasure
国别政策:country specific policy
国产化率:rate of localization
国粹:quintessence of a nation's culture
国计民生:national welfare and the people's livelihood
国家长治久安:enduring law and order of the country
国家大、底子薄、人口多、耕地少:vest scale of the country, its weak foundation,massive population and low ratio of arable land
国家的统一,民族的振兴:national reunification and rejuvenation
国民经济信息化:develop information-based economy
过紧日子:tighten one's belt
过上温饱生活:better off
过上小康生活:enjoy a fairly comfortable life
过硬本领:be able to stand severe tests in one's professinal skills
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-10 23:51 | 显示全部楼层

海量:have a hollow leg
海内存知己,天涯若比邻:If you have a friend afar who knows your heart,distance cannot keep you two apart.
喊冤叫屈:complain about injustice
行行出状元:Every profession produces its own leading authority.
豪赌:unrestrained gambling
好钢用在刀刃上:use resources where they are most needed
好汉做事好汉当:A brave man must be as good as his word.
和某人作对:pick on somebody
和气生财:A fair face is half the fortune.
和为贵:Peace is the best option.
黑店:gangster inn
黑孩子:off-the-book baby
黑户:unregistered household / an illegal business
横生枝节:create side-issues
横向联合:cross-regional partership
轰动全世界:set the world on fire
轰动一时:a big hit of the season
红白喜事:weddings or funerals
红包:red paper packet of cash as a gift / bribe / kickback
弘扬民族优秀文化:advance and enrich the fine cultural heritage of the nation
弘扬主旋律:give full scope to the themes of our times
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-10 23:52 | 显示全部楼层
后发优势:advantage of newcomers
后顾之忧:troubles back home
后劲:sustaining power / ability to make further advances
厚古薄今:praise the past and downgrade the present
胡闹:play the goat
胡子工程:long drawn-out projects
互补:complement each other
互补互利:mutually complementary and beneficial
互谅互让:mutual understanding and accommodation
互通有无:each supplies what the other needs
互相扯皮:pass the buck
花天酒地:go on the loose
华表:ornamenal column
华侨:overseas Chinese / Chinese nationals residing abroad
(美国)华侨:Chinese residents in the U.S.
华人:ethnic Chinese / foreign citizents of Chinese origin
(美籍)华人:Chinese American / American-born-Chinese
话不投机半句多:In a disagreeable conversation one word more is too many.
画龙点睛:bring out the crucial point
怀柔政策:policy of mollification
欢聚一堂:happy gettogether / happy reunion
灰色收入:income from moonlighting
活词典:a walking dictionary
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-10 23:53 | 显示全部楼层

机构臃肿:overstaffed organization
积德:perform good deeds without let-up
吉兆:good omen
急功近利:go for quick gains
急人所用:share will and woe with others
棘手的问题:ticklish question
集思广益:draw on others' wisdom and accept useful ideas
集体婚礼:group wedding ceremony
集体企业:collectively owned enterprises
集中力量搞好:concentrate resources on
挤提存款:run on banks
挤占挪用资金:unauthorized diversion of fund
计划单列市:city with separate development plan
计划生育责任制:responsibility system of family planning
技术下乡:disseminate technologies to farmers
既往不咎:let bygones be bygones
加快发展:step up the growth of
加强舆论监督:ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion
家家有本难念的经:Each family has a skeleton in the closet.
家庭美德:family virtues
家长制作风:high-handed way of dealing with people
甲天下:the finest under heaven
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-10 23:54 | 显示全部楼层
减负:alleviate burdens on somebody
减员增效:downsize and cut payroll to improve efficiency
剪彩:cut the ribbon
简化手续:cut red tape / simplify procedures
简直不像话:just impossible / outrageous
见不得人的勾当:under-the-table deal
见仁见智:Different people, different views.
健谈:be chatty and merry
将心比心:put one into somebody's shoe / be empathic
将一军:put somebody on the spot / drive at the crucial point
姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩:a willing victim letting himself be caught
讲诚信,反欺诈:honor credibility and oppose cheating
讲义气:remain faithful to friends
交待:account for somthing / justify oneself
交底:put all one's cards on the table
交钥匙工程:turn-key project
脚踩两只船:sit on the fence
脚踏实地:be down-to-earth
阶段性成果:successes by stages
解放思想:emancipate one's mind
戒毒所:drug rehabilitation center
紧箍咒:inhibiting magic phrase
紧密型企业集团:tightly-knit groups of enterprises
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-10 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
锦上添花:make what is good still better
进取精神:initiative / enterprising spirit
进一步安排好人们生活:better meet people's needs
进一步扩大对外开放:open up wider to the outside world
经济法制化:manage economic affairs according to law
经济头脑:commercially-minded people
精明不聪敏:penny wise, pound foolish
精品:choicest goods / master works
精品店:up-market shop / garment boutique
精神生活:cultural life
精神文明:high cultural and moral standards / moral revival
精神支柱:moral support
竞聘上岗:competition for a job / a post
敬而远之:give a wide berth to
敬老爱幼:show respect for the aged and love for the young
敬老院:senior citizens home(US) / nursing home(UK)
敬业精神:professional dedication
久闻大名:have long heard of one's great name
酒逢知己千杯少:For a congenial friend a thousand toasts are yet enough.
旧情人:old flame
具有中国特色的:with Chinese characteristics
捐弃前嫌:bury the hatchet / let bygones be bygones
军令状:make a pledge
君子之交淡如水:The friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal. / A hedge between keeps friendship green.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-11 23:46 | 显示全部楼层

开阔眼界:stretch one's mind / broaden one's horizons
开门红:start off with a bang
开门见山:straight on the point
开拓进取:make pioneering efforts / blaze new trails and forge ahead
开小灶:give special favor to somebody
侃大山:shoot the breeze / have rap sessions
看菜吃饭:act according actual circumstances
看风使舵:jump on tne bandwagon
看家本领:unique skills
看破红尘:see through the vanity of this life
科技兴贸战略:strategy of revitalizing reade through science and technology
科教兴国:rejuvenate the country through science and technology and education
可望不可即:within sight but not within reach
可遇不可求:may come by chance but not by diligent search
客随主便:A guest should follow the arrangements by the host.
空话连篇:indulge in empty talks and rhetoric
空头支票:bad check / lip service
口惠而实不至:pay lip service only
口径:the line ( of expression ) / basis
扣除物价因素:put an unwarranted label on / to lable
苦穷:complain about being hard up
跨越式发展:leap-frog development
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-11 23:48 | 显示全部楼层

拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth
拉关系:try to curry favor with
来而不往非礼也:It is impolite not to reciprocate.
来龙去脉:ins and outs of the matter / put in perspective
烂尾楼:long-drawn-out and uncompleted building project
老少边穷地区:former revolutionary base regions,regions inhabited by ethnic minorities, border regions and poverty-stricken regions
老字号:old brandname
乐天派:good-time Charlie
雷声大,雨点小:much said but little done
离谱:senseless at all
礼轻情意重:The gift may be small but the goodwill is profound.
礼尚往来:Courtesy calls for reciprocity.
力度:intensity / momentum
廉洁奉公:be honest in performing official duties
廉政:clean government
廉政建设:keep government clean
练摊:be a vendor / do business
两不误:neither...nor...is to suffer
两个文明一起抓:place equal emphasis on material and moral revival
两手抓,两手都要硬:give equal importance to both economic development and cultural and moral standards
两者不可兼得:You can't eat your cake and have it.
量入为出:proportion expenses to the income
了不起:incredible / really something
了结心事:take a load off one's mind
临时抱佛脚:seek help at the last moment
灵丹妙药:panacea / miraculous cure
留有余地:leave some leeway / leave room for flexibility
柳暗花明又一村:Every cloud has a silver lining. / That's a way out.
隆重庆祝:grand celebration
路遥之马力,日久见人心:Time will tell.
乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款:arbitraary charges, fund-raising and fines
乱弹琴:talk wet / nonsense
略胜一筹:be a notch above
落实政策:implement a policy / rectify a wrong case
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-11 23:51 | 显示全部楼层

马到成功:wish one good luck
买空卖空:bulls and bears
买一送一:two-for-one offer / buy one get one free
满口脏话,骂骂咧咧:has a foul mouth / swear like a trooper
盲流人员:jobless migrants
盲目发展:pell-mell development
每逢佳节倍思亲:On festive occasions one thinks more than ever of one's loved ones far away.
没办法:have no choice / can't be helped
没道理:unjustified / senseless / there's no point in
没那回事儿:Nothing of the sort!
没什么了不起:It's nothing terrible.
门前三包:be responsible for general cleaning,green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area in front of the building
面向未来:be oriented to the future
苗头:a straw in the wind / sign
民工潮:farmers's frenzied hunt for job in cities
民间办学:manage private schools
民间团体:people-to-people organizations
民以食为天:Food is the first necessity of subsistence.
民营企业:privately-run businesses
名不虚传:deserve one's reputation
明明白白消费:transparent consumption
命好:lead a charmed life
摸着石头过河:grope forward by feeling for stones to cross a river / explore one's way through practice
磨洋工:dawdle along
谋事在人,成事在天:Man proposes,God disposes.
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