任天堂推出3DS右摇杆外设,来自游戏业界的声音很多。与Activision大赞“伟大进步”相反的是Gaijin Games游戏制作人
Alex Neuse则大骂这外设是一坑爹骗钱的狗屎!
Alex Neuse说:这东西完全是个垃圾,作为消费者角度我非常沮丧。很明显任天堂随时会推出双摇杆版本,这只是时间问题。那我怎么办?还是又得把钱塞给他们,就像以往(骗钱)一样。
I think it’s total crap. I’m very frustrated as a consumer. It seems obvious to me that it’s only a matter of time until Nintendo releases a new 3DS with a second Circle Pad on it, and then what am I going to do? I’m going to give them more of my money. Like I always do.